April 12, 2022

12. A Deeper Bond | A Conversation with Dr. Monique Udell, Director of the Human-Animal Interaction Laboratory

12. A Deeper Bond | A Conversation with Dr. Monique Udell, Director of the Human-Animal Interaction Laboratory
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12. A Deeper Bond | A Conversation with Dr. Monique Udell, Director of the Human-Animal Interaction Laboratory

In this week's episode, we speak with Dr. Monique Udell about her research on animal behavior, cognition, and human-animal interaction at Oregon State University.

Her work focuses on human-animal interactions & bonding, aimed at improving the lives of humans and animals through mutually beneficial interactions. Through her research, we get to access new knowledge in order to deepen the bonds we have with the animals in our lives.

Human-Animal Interaction Lab @ Oregon State University

Hannah Shaw @kittenxlady on Instagram

Barınak Meleği @barinak_melegi on Instagram

Kabul Small Animal Rescue @kabul_animal_rescue on Instagram

New episodes drop every other Tuesday morning (EST).

Kindred is hosted by Kate Coffin and Jenn Asplundh.

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