July 5, 2022

17. From Time Beyond Memory | A Conversation with Willa Powless, Member at Large on the Klamath Tribes Council

17. From Time Beyond Memory | A Conversation with Willa Powless, Member at Large on the Klamath Tribes Council
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17. From Time Beyond Memory | A Conversation with Willa Powless, Member at Large on the Klamath Tribes Council

In this week's episode, we speak with Willa Powless, a member at large on the Klamath Tribes Council from Oregon about how "land back" is a beginning to heal broken hearts and what land means to her and her tribes. Jenn and Kate were honored to speak with Willa and learn about the deep connection and obligation she feels to land, and how that connection stretches back to the time of her tribes' creation story.

Klamath Tribes Official Website

The Guardian article featuring Willa

Robin Wall Kimmerer Official Author Website

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Kindred is hosted by Kate Coffin and Jenn Asplundh.

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