18. That's A Wrap! | A Conversation with Hosts Kate & Jenn

In this week's episode, Kate & Jenn look back on Season 2 and talk about what their big takeaways were, and how each conversation with guests impacted them.
We are so grateful to each guest for the time and care they gave to us this season. The knowledge, depth of understanding, and connection they have to the topics we covered are so inspiring and enabled us to go places and gain new awarenesses we would not be able to get otherwise.
See you all next season! Lot's of Love!
Kate, Jenn, & Kat
New episodes drop every other Tuesday morning (EST).
Kindred is hosted by Kate Coffin and Jenn Asplundh.
Find out more info, show notes, or message us, go to kindredpodcast.co.
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