July 13, 2021

9. The Artists Heart | A Conversation with Musician Ellie Grace & Artist Lindsay Coffin

9. The Artists Heart | A Conversation with Musician Ellie Grace & Artist Lindsay Coffin
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9. The Artists Heart | A Conversation with Musician Ellie Grace & Artist Lindsay Coffin

In this week's episode, we speak with Ellie Grace and Linsday Coffin about their process of creating the beautiful music and artwork for our podcast. Ellie speaks about the very heartfelt experience of writing the music with her sweet dog, Wally, and that intimate moment resulting in our theme music. And Lindsay talks about her creative process of drawing our KINDRED artwork and how for her each image/animal came alive and embodied the energy of the podcast.

This is our last episode of SEASON 1. We will be back with SEASON 2 in September 2021. But we will be in touch in the meantime with updates so keep an eye out for a few sneaky drops over the summer. Lots of love!

Find Ellie Grace on her website.

Follow Ellie on Instagram @rangerellie

Follow Lindsay on Instagram @coffinlindsay

Kindred is hosted by Kate Coffin and Jenn Asplundh.

Find out more info, show notes, or message us, go to kindredpodcast.co.

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